During the summer of 1891, in her father’s law library, a site in Galveston, Texas, that is now known as the “Cradle,” Miss Betty Ballinger and her cousin, Miss Hally Bryan, conceived the idea of perpetuating forever the memory of the Texas pioneer families and soldiers of the Republic of Texas by forming an association of their descendants.
The two cousins then traveled to Houston, where they shared their thoughts with fourteen other ladies at the home of Mrs. Andrew Briscoe on the afternoon of November 6, 1891. At that meeting, they formed the organization that is known today as the Daughters of the Republic of Texas. The Charter of “The Daughters of the Republic of Texas” was filed in the Department of State on March 9, 1895.
The Daughters of the Republic of Texas is a genealogical organization with one hundred and six chapters divided into ten districts. Each chapter is a part of the larger organization and must operate within the framework of Bylaws established by the Association.Annual Convention
A convention is held annually. The convention dates have varied through the years: April 21, March 2, March 18, February 18 and 19, also May 14. It was on May 14,1836 that Interim President David C. Burnet and Santa Anna signed the Treaties of Velasco, following the defeat of the Mexican forces at San Jacinto. Since 1936 The Daughters’ tradition has been to choose a date as close as possible to the Velasco Honor Day for their Annual Convention. 1894 Resolution
Resolution of the Texas Veterans Association at the Reunion in Waco in 1894 where the Veterans asked The Daughters to “CARRY ON” …
RESOLVED, that one of the greatest pleasures we have enjoyed during our present reunion is the presence of The Daughters of the Republic of Texas; that we approve and admire their noble efforts to perpetuate the memories of the patriots of Texas and to prepare and preserve data for the correct history of Texas; and that we exhort them to persevere in their laudable enterprise and pray them God’s help. https://www.drtinfo.org/Members/Members/About-Us/DRT-History.aspx?hkey=751fb335-3b40-4443-a640-d706b5dd2b1f